
Welcome to Lechteich.com—short for “Lechteich Acharai” (Yirmiyah 2:2). These words are so beautifully chanted on Rosh Hashanah and recall the great love Hashem had for His nation when they followed Him into the desert. Though our ancestors had no idea how long the journey would be or how they would sustain themselves, they followed Him with deep faith.

Each member of our chosen nation is a traveler. We travel through our internal, spiritual deserts, working diligently to navigate their labyrinth of twists and turns, confronting our weaknesses, struggles, and challenges, each in our respective deserts.

We must strengthen ourselves and stimulate our faith —and hold on tightly to the Hand that rescued us early on. The confines of nature will break, Hashem will display His dominion, and miracles will happen.

I founded Lechteich.com with a singular and simple goal: to bring the Jewish people closer to Hashem through the beauty of His Torah.

Lechteich.com allows you to access a weekly podcast Torah publication and allows me to fulfill one of my greatest desires: presenting Torah in a relatable fashion that speaks to Jews of all ages and stages of life. Recognizing the struggles and temptations of this world, we seek refuge, encouragement, and guidance solely from the Torah.

About Me

Hello, I am Don Jarashow. I grew up in Monsey and spent my formative years studying at Mesivta Beis Shraga, followed by five years in Mir Yerushalayim under Rav Yaakov Moshe Katz, Rav Asher Arielli, and Rav Meir Warshager.

I had the privilege of returning to Israel to continue my learning in the Mir for several years after marriage with my wife Chani, nee Weinberg, originally from Minneapolis. Our family, BH, now resides in Lakewood, where I am at BMG. My spiritual journey has taken me to South Africa for multiple kiruv missions, and led me to roles as a rebbe, division head, and yeshivah sho’el umaishiv.

I am dedicated to fostering meaningful connections and spreading the light of Torah wherever I go. I hope you enjoy.


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“You have created a fascinating collection of choice דברי תורה, insightful, engaging, and sure to keep readers wanting for more…”

Rav Avrohom Chaim Feuer

Former Rav of Kehilas Beis Avrohom, Monsey, NY

“Rav Don’s sincerity and idealism are evident in his writing. His words are דברים היוצאין מן הלב ונכנסין אל הלב…

Rav Yosef Viener

Rav, Kehilas Shar Hashomayim, Monsey, NY

אין ספק שאנשים שיכניסו את הגדתך – הגדת ״לכתך אחרי״ -  לביתם, ירגישו תועלת ממנה...״”

הרב שמואל יצחק פעלדער

דומ״ץ לייקוואד

״בשמחה קבלנו השמועה הטובה שהרב אהובינו ידידינו...מתכונן להוסיף עוד נדבך יקר בהרבצת התורה המופלאה שלו בהוצאת לאור הגדה של פסח...ובמיוחד ראוי לציין שאיפותיו הטהורות...עד שזכה בהמשך הימים להמנות בין מזכי הרבים באופן הכי נכבד...רבים צמאים לדבריו, ומתרוממים לכוון דרכם לתורה ויר״ש וחיי נצחיות...״

הרב עמנואל שיף

ראש ישיבת בית שרגא

Contact Info

Don Jarashow
[email protected]
Phone: 845-367-2959

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